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The day is remembered oh so well! High over the Rocky Mountains in crystal-clear skies on a chilly winter day flew a Learjet 60. Clive, the pilot, had been reading at home the book The Peace Child. It was a story about how a young couple had paddled upstream in the 1960s with their baby boy to a people group on the island of Irian Jaya. What a harrowing adventure they had lived out, but most impactful to Clive was how the couple had evidenced God at work. 


From a business jet pilot to the beginning of another family journey to help people in a faraway place, in 2002 this mid-West family began their own story of participating in the work of God. In 2022, when their children are all grown, and their four grandchildren are growing even faster, Clive and Kathryn live on the West coast of the island of the gods: Bali, Indonesia. It is here they try to love their neighbors as themselves. Clive retired from flying in 2015 to continue as a chaplain and purveyor of God's love. An educational specialist, Kathryn loves to see young people thrive into today's leaders.

The Cahaya Foundation has an unusual name, but how did it come to be named? In the Indonesian language, Cahaya means light or illuminate, and it functions for the purposes of the One who called himself the Light of the World. This unfolding story would not be possible without the kind people who regularly pray and donate their finances. We are also indebted to the experience and generosity of Bob, Kevin, and Sam on the board of The Cahaya Foundation.

Thank you for your part in God's story,

Clive and Kathryn

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